Tajwid 5 Juz' Certification

Course Category: Tajwid 

Course Code: TAJ 405

Instructor: Ribaat Tajwid Teachers

Course Description: 

Through this program, students will work individually with their instructors to memorize and recite the last five Juz' of the Quran and recite it to a tajwīd teacher. Each student will be paired with a certified tajwīd teacher online, with whom she will work one-on-one. Students will receive the certification after reciting the last 100 pages of the Holy Quran from memory with full tajwīd and passed an oral assessment.


  • Students should be women above the age of 17
  • TAJ 101 & 102: Quran Fluency Parts 1 & 2
  • TAJ 201: Tajwīd Part 1: Letters & Phonetics
  • TAJ 202: Tajwīd Part 2: Rules & the Rhythm of Recitation
  • TAJ 301: Quran Khitmah Project
  • TAJ 401: Quran Memorization (Juz' 'Amma)
  • ARL 131: Arabic Novice High
  • Ability to read the Holy Quran fluently with full application of the rules of tajwīd and few errors.
  •  Knowledge of the points of articulation (makhārij), letter attributes (ṣifāt)and all tajwīd rules.

    Placement: New students in the Ribaat Tajwīd Program should complete an assessment with a tajwīd assessor. Based on that, they will receive a recommendation on the best course to start with. To arrange an appointment, kindly email tajwid.assess@rabata.org, and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible inshallah.

    Course Requirements: 

    This is an online course so students will need:

    • Access to internet with an internet speed of at least 2 Mbps recommended for best performance. 
    • Headphones, camera and microphone may be required for in-class participation. 

    Text: Medium to large sized Holy Quran in Arabic script

    Students are responsible for ordering their textbooks before the start of class. Ribaat textbooks are available to enrolled students at a discounted rate through Rabata Bookshop. Once enrolled, students will have access to the discount code through the course forum.


    Registration Fee: Non-refundable, non-transferable

    • $400.00 (not including the cost of the course materials)
    • Registration closes on September 8th, 2023
    • Auditing is not available for this course

    Registration Options: 

    Before enrolling, please read the Registration Fees & Policies. Then choose one of the registration options below.

    Contact: For inquiries, contact registration@rabata.org