Tajwid Part 1: Letters & Phonetics

Course Category: Tajwid 

Course Code: TAJ 201

Instructor: Anse Maryam Salman

Course Dates: September 11 - December 17, 2023

Day: Mondays

Time: 9:00 - 10:00 pm CST

Daylight savings time will end in the United States on Sunday, November 5, 2023. Depending on where you live, this may or may not affect your class timing. In countries where DST is not applied at all, class will be one hour later starting November 5.

Course Description: 

A study of the science of tajwīd accompanied by an instructor-led recitation of Juzuʾ ʿAmma. This is a two-part course:

1. Students will gain an understanding of introductory tajwīd concepts (including points of articulation - makhārij - and letter attributes - ṣifāt) during weekly online sessions with the instructor. By the end of the course, students will have an understanding of the sounds of the Arabic language and their attributes, identify how the sounds are formed, and pronounce them with confidence. 

2. Students will be divided into small groups and have 2 additional weekly sessions in which they will work with a recitation teacher. This part of the course will be complete when the student has demonstrated the ability to read Juz Amma and pronounce each letter correctly.



  • Students should be women above the age of 17.
  • TAJ 101 & 102: “Quran Fluency Part 1 & 2 or TAJ 103
  • ARL 121: Arabic Novice Middle
  • Ability to decode and read Arabic text with ease. Understanding of Arabic is beneficial but not required.

Placement: New students in the Ribaat Tajwīd Program should complete an assessment with a tajwīd assessor. Based on that, they will receive a recommendation on the best course to start with. To arrange an appointment, kindly email tajwid.assess@rabata.org, and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible inshallah.

Course Requirements: 

Students are expected to attend the online lectures, complete recitation assessment, submit a midterm and a final exam.

This is an online course so students will need:

  • Access to internet with an internet speed of at least 2 Mbps recommended for best performance. 
  • Headphones, camera and microphone may be required for in-class participation. 
  • To access the live class and recordings, students will need a computer, smartphone, or tablet/iPad with the Zoom app.
Students will have access to course forums, recordings, and files until January 15, 2024.


  1. Excellence in the Science of Tajwīd by Ghada Salahi al-Asbahi

  2. A medium to large sized Holy Quran in Arabic for the Recitation portion of the course, a color-coded Tajwīd Mushaf is recommended in this stage of tajwīd learning.

Students are responsible for ordering their textbooks before the start of class. Ribaat textbooks are available to enrolled students at a discounted rate through Rabata Bookshop. Once enrolled, students will have access to the discount code through the course forum.


Registration Fee: Non-refundable, non-transferable

  • $150.00 (not including the cost of the course materials)
  • $20.00 late registration fee on September 8th (if seats are available)
  • Registration closes on September 18th (if seats are available)
  • Auditing is not available for this course

Registration Options: 

Registration is closed. This course has reached capacity. 

Contact: For inquiries, contact registration@rabata.org