Fast & Friendly Fiqh: An Introduction to Worship Essentials - In Person at the RCC

Course Category: Fiqh | Level 1 Course

Course Code: FQH 101

Instructor: Anse Eamaan Rabbat

Location: Rabata Cultural Center

Course Dates: September 11 - October 23, 2023

Day: Mondays

Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm CST

Course Description: 

A quick and fun introduction to Shafi'i fiqh for the beginner. This course will go over the main rules of worship: purification (ṭahāra), prayer (ṣalāh), and fasting (ṣawm).

What will be covered: 

  • Difference between types of water used for purification 
  • The integrals of prayer (ṣalāh) and the recommended acts
  • Actions that nullify the prayer and what is disliked.
  • The rules of fasting (ṣawm)
  • What breaks the fast

Get ANSWERS to questions like:

  • How do I make proper wudū'?
  • What is ghusl?
  • What if I forget to recite a short sūrah in my prayer?
  • I ate by mistake, did I break my fast?
  • and more...

Course Breakdown:

  • About water
  • Purification (ṭahāra); wudū' & ghusl
  • Prayer (ṣalāh)
  • Fasting (ṣawm)

Live Attendance: Live attendance is required. Sessions will be not be recorded.

Students will have access to the course forum and files until January 15, 2024.

Course Prerequisites:

Students should be women above the age of 17.

Course Requirements: 

Students are expected to attend the in-person lectures, complete one or more weekly assignments, complete and present a project, and pass 4 short quizzes.

Text: The Shafi'i Manual of Purity, Prayer and Fasting, by Tashfeen Ekram

Students are responsible for ordering their textbooks before the start of class. Ribaat textbooks are available to enrolled students at a discounted rate through Rabata Bookshop. Once enrolled, students will have access to the discount code through the course forum.


Registration Fee: Non-refundable, non-transferable

  • $125.00 (not including the cost of the course materials)
  • $20.00 late registration fee after September 8th (if seats are available)
  • Additional $5.00 auditing fee.

Registration Options: 

Before enrolling, please read the Registration Fees & Policies. Then choose one of the registration options below.

Contact: For inquiries, contact