Foundations, Flounderings & Faith

Course Category: Aqidah | Level 1 Course

Course Code: AQD 101

Instructor: Anse Dr. Tamara Gray

Course Dates: September 12 - Novemver 28, 2023

Day: Tuesdays

Time: 8:30 - 10:00 pm CST

Daylight savings time will end in the United States on Sunday, November 5, 2023. Depending on where you live, this may or may not affect your class timing. In countries where DST is not applied at all, class will be one hour later starting November 5.

Course Description: 

Belief and practice are the essential building blocks for Muslims and, as such, in order to build a fortress of faith, we need solid building materials. This course will cover basic ʿaqīda (tenets of belief), discuss issues of practice, and attempt to answer controversial questions. We will build a community of faithful friends, quell the floundering heart, and revive the faithful heart.

What will be covered:

  • The role, rights and responsibilities of women in Islam
  • Hot topics: divorce, polygamy, inheritance, hijab, and niqab
  • Five myths about women in Islamic law debunked
  • Getting to know your nafs
  • Advice for the journey
  • Get your personal questions answered confidentially
  • Islamic stance on gender identity
  • Tips from a female scholar on getting through tough times

Get ANSWERS to questions like:

  • How do I navigate non-Muslim holidays?
  • Does Islam talk about gender roles?
  • Do two women really equal one man?
  • Is that haram?
  • Why do we have to wear hijab?
  • Do we believe in evolution?

Course Breakdown:

  • Foundations: Islamic Outlook, The spiritual world, The Five Pillars
  • Flounderings: The Family, Sources and Purpose of Law and Questions around Fiqh, Practice
  • Faith: The Quran, Regulating Life within the laws of Islam

Course Logistics: 

  • Designed in an easy to follow format.
  • Interactive Q&A
  • Recordings available until end of term
  • Based on the aqida of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'a.


Live attendance is recommended whenever possible for the best learning experience. Recordings of the sessions will be made available for registered students who cannot attend live.

Students will have access to course forums, recordings, and files until January 15, 2024.

Course Prerequisites:

Students should be women above the age of 17.

Course Requirements: 

Students are expected to attend the online lectures, complete one or more weekly assignments, complete a book report, and submit a final reflective essay exam.

This is an online course so students will need:

  • Access to internet with an internet speed of at least 2 Mbps recommended for best performance. 
  • Headphones, camera and microphone may be required for in-class participation. 
  • To access the live class and recordings, students will need a computer, smartphone, or tablet/iPad with the Zoom app.


Required: Being Muslim: A Practical Guide, by Asad Tarsin. 

Required: Islam Religion of Life, by Abdul Wadod Shalabi.

Students are responsible for ordering their textbooks before the start of class. Ribaat textbooks are available to enrolled students at a discounted rate through Rabata Bookshop. Once enrolled, students will have access to the discount code through the course forum.


Registration Fee: Non-refundable, non-transferable

  • $125.00 (not including the cost of the course materials)
  • $20.00 late registration fee on September 8th (if seats are available)
  • Additional $5.00 auditing fee.

Registration Options: 

Before enrolling, please read the Registration Fees & Policies. Then choose one of the registration options below.

Contact: For inquiries, contact