Daybreak Press "Let's Spill Some Ink" Webinar | Recordings


Attend the recordings of these original webinars with Daybreak Press. Gain the tricks and tools of the trade to begin your writing career, get your work published and start a successful marketing campaign to promote your work.


Writing Webinar: Anse Najiyah Maxfield, Afshan Malik, Tayyaba Syed

Marketing Webinar: Afshan Malik, Jenny Triplett, Umm Juwayriyah

Publishing Webinar: Saadia Faruqi, Papatia Feauxzar, Angie El Sherif

Registration Fee: $25.00

  • Students should be women above the age of 17
  • Registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • Recordings will be available for registered students until December 2021.
  • Installment plans are not available for this workshop.
  • Before enrolling, please read the Registration Fees & Policies


For inquiries, email